Monday, May 12, 2003


So, I've moved desks at work. I'm now back with all the post people and we've got tunes playing, specifically James. It's amazing the difference music makes to your day. It can immediately make you feel better, or worst if that's what your after. Music is definetly proof that there is a higher power in the world, in my not so humble opinion.

Take Saturday. Gwen and I were out and we drove around the block just to sing to the radio. It's the single best thing to do when driving, play music and singing loudly. It's a feeling of freedom.

I don't know about you, but I always feel a certain amount of privacy in my car. Now it's ridiculous. Many, many people can see into my window. But, still in my car I have this feeling that it's just me and the rest of the world just disappears.

Okay, in the room right now they're talking about the Lakers. I so don't want them to win the NBA Championship. Enough all ready. Three is plenty.

Oh, sweet James is still plenty. Life is good.


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