Is it clever if you're trying?
So, yesterday I was on the phone with my friend who lives in Delaware, Dana, and on Friday I had read another friend's webjournel and both these incidents made me aware of something: What's normal in LA is not what's normal everywhere else.
For example, in Deleware anyone who is in their 30's and hasn't been married, engaged and/or had kids is questionable dating material because you're just not an adult until you've been married, engaged and/or had kids. While Dana was telling me this my natural responce was a) crap I'm much closer to 30 than 21 now and b) it isn't really that unusual in this day and age and be in your 30's sans spouse, engagement or rug rat.
Dana's responce was in Delaware you're a loser if you're not married, engaged and/ or have kids if you're in your 30's. Thank god I live in Los Angeles, where I'm not a loser.
Instead I'm (this use to link to a webpage that'd tell you what star crossed X-men you were. It's gone now. But, I was Rogue. I'm so untouchable. )

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?
Wow, that makes me feel better. Just like stubbing my toe when I have a headache better.
Oh, so the title, it does tie into the whole dating thing I'm basically talking about but not acknowledging directly. Dana and I discussed the various dating websites available. One of my gripes is having to come up with a clever, eye catching header for a posting that will intrigue other singles looking to date, repel the creeps and completely summarize the essence of who I am while leaving enough mystery to still be intersting. Basically, throw out the bait to see what fish come along. (I suddenly have new respect for fly fishermen)
I have to ask, is what I just came up with clever. I hate trying to be clever because that's usually when I'm least clever. And does that mean by it's very nature cleverness is a product of not trying but simply being. Leading to the big question: Is it clever if you're trying?
Because, you know, that's what I'm about the really big questions.