Monday, May 30, 2005

Things to know when you grow up.

There's certain thing I think everyone should know when you grow up. Or at least are living outside your parents home.

-How to balance a checkbook
-How to do your laundry
-How to boil water. Not so much too cook, but in case of emergency you can have water that won't give you dissentary.
-When to get your oil changed in your car
-How to buy condoms without being embarrassed
-How to load a dishwasher

Just a few "how to" and "whens" so you can at the very least pass for an independent, capable adult who isn't going to die in the face of day to day living. The basics. I'm not even talking about things like how to put out a grease fire.

Sometimes I worry about my roommate and her ability to do some of this on her own. Don't get me wrong R. is great, a very smart chick. And she's been living on her own for a long time. But, I swear to god, the girl does not know how to load a dishwasher. And I'm not talking about difference in dishwasher loading technique, because I understand some opinions vary. Things she does to load the dishwasher just defy common sense sometimes.

She just throws things on the racks. sometimes pans laying on top of plates, and never mind space efficiency. Now I've always taken a bit more responsibility for the kitchen because I do more of the cooking. In fact, I'm the only one does real cooking. R. thinks she's cooking if she microwaves chicken. But she can feed herself. That's what really matters.

I'm fine with loading and unloading our dishwasher. But, so many times I come in and find that R. has put some of her own things into the dishwasher and the way she put them in, the dishwasher is full. I have to spend the next 10min fixing thing. so I can actually get more stuff in. But, what I really don't understand is if she's filled the dishwasher however inefficiently why for god sake didn't she run it. She has to know how to add soap and turn the thing on.

I seriously don't know if she knows how to turn the thing on. In the five years we've lived together, I don't think she's ever -- ever run the dishwasher. I go out of town, I come back and she hasn't run the dishwasher once. Two week absence, no turning on dishwasher.

But, this weekend I had a revelation. It's not that she doesn't know how to load and run the dishwasher. Because really she's just not that dumb. She just knows she doesn't have to. R. knows she can throw things in willy nilly and i'll fix it, and I'll run the the dishwasher. That R. is a smart girl.

And it's a relief really. Because now I know that if R. was alone in the apartment and lets say the refrigerator fell on her, she could dial 911 on her own. If she could get to a phone that is. Refrigerators are a bit heavy.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Step One: admitting you have a problem.

Okay, I have a confession. I've had a problem most of my life, a syndrome if you will. I call it lost puppy syndrome.

It actually runs in my family. We see a creature with this "help me, I'm lost" look in their eyes, and we just want to take them in, feed them, and let them know it's all going to be okay. You're home now.

Traditionally this has been a problem for me when it comes to dating. I mean lost puppies are cute and funny and all, but they tend to be pretty distrusting and fearful. And this tends to be a problem when trying to build relationships. But, don't worry I'm getting better at not falling into that hole again. At least not when it comes to dating.

When it comes to other areas well I'm powerless in the face of my syndrome. That's I believe is step two. That's how Wesley came into my life.

Should I start running now Isn't he the most beautiful cat? Long hair cat with a plumed tail. I first met him over the internet. A friend at work was helping this rescue group with a website and showed me the pictures. Well, I saw this poor fellow with the unfortunate name of Bingo. He had this fearful look in his eyes and huge bat eats, because he wasn't full grown yet. And I found myself thinking of Wesley a lot.

Now, unlike Xander where I immediately started filling out paperwork (after being scared by another prospective adopter stealing him from me) I didn't immediately think I would take him home. One, I had never own a pet all on my own. I'd grown up with Nick, a cocker spaniel, but there was my parents and brother to help out. But, with Wesley the responsiblity would all be mine. I wasn't sure I was up for it emotionally or financially.

Secondly, my roommate had a cat and when we moved in she asked that he'd be the only cat. Well, one night I mentioned this cat to her and she said "you can have a cat if you want. I don't mind." Well that was it. He was mine.

Little did I know that Wesley was the cat equivalent of all my bad dating experience. The rescue group warned me. They said he was shy. Did I care? No. He was rescued from the street and hadn't been properly socialized? Did that stop me? Are you kidding. Any regrets? Nope

When I brought him home he hid under the bed for two weeks. But, he came out. I renamed him Wesley because Bingo was a stupid name. It's been a thrill to watch Wesley open up in little ways. When he first sat in the living room with us, the first time he didn't run away as I walk into his general vicinity, rubbing up against my leg. Precious moments.

Sometimes Wesley tries to put on a tough face. Psycho kitty, run, run, run awaypsycho kitty, run, run, run away But, that's show. He's a little coward. And him and Xander are getting to know each other now.

So, lost puppy in dating bad. But, lost puppy in cats good.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Things I've learned ... this far

You know how some weeks are one of those weeks. Yeah, I'm having one of those. I won't go into details because, you know that would be a downer. And I'm all about the uppers.
So, here's some things I've discovered this week.

A) The best conversations you can have, sometimes, are the ones you have with yourself. Especially when people are totally insane and well kind of suck.

Me: What is wrong with these morons?
Self: I have no idea.
Me: I hate people.
Self: Vent it, sister.

Isn't it great that your self will always understand?

B) String cheese does not make a good snack while driving. There is only one way to eat string cheese. Pulling it apart one stringy strand at a time. This makes the string cheese last longer as a snack and it's specifically what the cheese was designed to do and it's just fun.

But, doing it while driving? Probably safer to talk on the cell phone at the same time.

C) Wine is a wonderful thing.
Need I say more?

D) When swearing in the middle in the office be careful of volume level. Tired and frustrated do not make good excuses.

E) Try to have your gym or office near retail outlets. You never know when an important piece of undergarment will malfunction. Example: Working out at gym, done, getting dressed to go to work. Brassier snaps. Have to wait an hour for Victoria Secret to open while sitting in a sports bra.

F) Avoid having to tell the story to co-workers.

G) Probably shouldn't blog the story either.

Welll, things discovered aren't always lessons learned.


Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My life since Tivo

(I seem to be in the alliteration and SAT words today. Please bare with me. So, you can figure out what words I used incorrectly and then make fun of me )

It started a year ago. Almost everyone in my life seemed to be apart of this strange cult. If this were a movie and not a blog you'd hear each of the following one at a time, becoming a cacophony of people talking, ending in a chant from the chorus of the converted.

Jenna: It's the best thing ever.
John: Oh, you don't know what you're missing.
James: No, really you'll watch less TV.
John: It'll change your life.
Jenna: How are you living without it?
James: Seriously, it'll change your life.
John: You don't know what you're missing.
Jenna: It'll change your life.
James: It'll change your life.
Jenna: You have to buy one.
John: Never miss a show again.
Everybody: It'll change your life. It'll change your life. It'll change your life.

Me: You all are in a freaking cult. (Only I'd use a more profane word)

Now, I'm all for the latest and greatest technology, and I love TV. But, this whole tivo revolution or tivolution was a little nutty. I mean people would get this glassy look in their eyes as the the mear thought of the wonder of Tivo would wash over them.

Person: I love coming home and seeing what tivo found for me.
Me: Found for you? It finds shows for you?
Person: Yeah, you train it to know what you like.
Me: So, it's not just a hard drive. It is a pet.

And yes, tivo is like a pet. I resisted for a long time. I mean really, I did not need to make TV any more important in my life. I need to learn that if I miss a show it's no big deal, because it's only a show and I really shouldn't plan my life around TV. I had the answer one of the important questions of my time. Not just my own life. Of an entire generation. Or generations! (And I don't throw those exclamations around willy nilly)

So, I didn't want to mess around with this new found independence from the "boob tube" (You know a guy came up with that term) But, then the new fall schedule came out. And there was Lost. And 24 was better than ever. (And I mean the best freaking season of 24 ever!) And I late nights at work, and I realized despite my best efforts. I may be able to plan TV around my life, but not my life without TV. I bought the Tivo. I joined the cult. I get the glassy look of ecstasy on my face. I pet it and hug it and feed it and call it George.

And the chorus of the converted they were right:

Tivo changed my life.

For example Monday was the season finale of 24 and it's best season ever! But, Gwen was free that night for dinner. In the past this would have created quite a dilemma.

Self: I need to maintain my friendships. They are more important than TV.
Me; Yeah, but 24. Best Season ever. What's going to happen? Is the nuclear missile going to destroy the world?
Self: Ask your roommate to tape it. And besides they're not going to destroy the world. Day 5.
Me: Yeah, but what if she forgets. Or the tape gets eaten. It's happened before. Or the tape gets lost. Then I'll never know how the world was saved!
Self: DVD
Me: Yeah, but then I lose an entire weekend re-watching the season.
Self: You could just watch the last episode.
Me: (raisies eyebrow)
Self: Right, I would lose an entire weekend. This is a delima.
Me: See.

Of course, I would've taped the season finale, hopefully watched it and seen my friend. Most likely... Kidding...Sort of. But, now, there's no problem. I had dinner with Gwen and tivo not only tivo'd 24. I didn't have to tell it do it. It always tivo's 24. I have it on season pass. I watched it last night because nothing else was on. I planned tivo around my life and not my life around TV.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Into every tooth a little floss must clean

Last night I got home late. Well, later than usual. Instead of leaving work and heading directly to home and 24 season finale. I joined my friend Gwen at the West Hollywood Farmer's Market for a little dinner, a little coffee, and a little talking.

By the way, totally love the Farmer's Market. I wish I lived within walking distance of it. I swear upon all that is holy that if I did, I would walk there and buy fresh produce all the time. The last month or so I've been cooking more and actually buying fresh vegetables to cook with.

Did you know brussel sprouts ar actually really good? Yeah, sautee them in a little olive oil, garlic, and pepper very tasty. I never had them growing up and only knew them by their bad reputation. Well, let me tell you, that reputation is not deserved at all. Brussel sprouts, yummy. And healthy. Who knew.

Self: I didn't for a very long time.
Me: I know, me neither.
Self: I hate to interrupt myself as I go on rhapsodic about maligned vegetables and how good the are.
Me: And the are.
Self: I Know. But, the title.
Me: Oh, right. I got off topic again.
Self: Yes, I did.
Me: Thanks.
Self: Anytime.

Suffice it to say eating is a good thing. (I hate Martha Stewart for using "good thing" as her trademark saying thing) But, eating also means getting food stuck between your teeth which I hate. The past year I've gotten really good about flossing my teeth at night. I've become religious about it. I mean I don't light candles and have altars set up to worship the almighty floss, but I don't feel right if I haven't flossed my teeth before going to bed.

And let me tell you, flossing kind of a pain in the butt. There are some nights when I just want to fall into bed as quickly as possible. But, flossing you can't really rush it. it takes as long as it takes. There's no short cuts for it.

I brush my teeth and I have this moment, a little debate with myself. Floss, don't floss. Floss, don't floss. Sometimes I feel myself about to rebel and just say (excuse my french here) screw it. (Aside: why are the french blamed for all the curse words?) But, then I look at myself in the mirror and I can't resist the call of good oral hygiene and floss.

Damn my concern for good oral hygiene and keeping my teeth as long as possible.


Monday, May 23, 2005

What's that cracking sound? The 8th seal of the apocalpyse you say

Apple may use Intel chips for Macs - Yahoo! News: "SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Computer Inc. (Nasdaq:AAPL - news) has been in talks that could lead to it using Intel Corp. (Nasdaq:INTC - news) chips in its Macintosh computers, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, reigniting decade-old speculation and sparking a 5 percent rise in Apple's stock price.

The report, which cited two industry executives with knowledge of recent discussions between the companies and prompted skepticism from some analysts, said Apple was expected to agree to use Intel chips. But it said the talks could break down or could be a tactic to gain negotiating leverage with Apple's current chip supplier, International Business Machines Corp"

Okay, so I'm a bit (teeny, teeny bit) of a Mac geek. My love affair with Apple computers goes way back to elementary school with the Apple iie with it's little turtle in the middle of the screen. Then discovering Macs in high school with a GUI and desktop publishing capability sparked a lifelong affair.

So, when I read the headline APPLE MAY USE INTEL CHIPS FOR MAC it took everything I had not to go screaming through the office NOOOOO!!!!! That move would require re-writing every single bit of software, including the Mac OS in order to run on an intel chip (x86 platform). Simply put, nightmare. I had visions of Apple stores burning in flames as the apocalpyse was nigh as Mac fanatics burned themselves in effigy, and PC users (yes I said that spitting) laughing maniacally. This will mean nothing to you if you don't follow this stuff. But, it would be bad. Very, very bad.

Everything calmed down by the end thankfully. Steve Jobs entered the fray.

Apple always has a lot of projects in the works and could be evaluating Intel chips for use in future products, Bajarin said, adding that when Apple co-founder and chief executive Steve Jobs was asked Sunday night at a Wall Street Journal technology conference whether Apple would use Intel chips, "Jobs basically said no."

And light from the heaven shone down upon the earth again. If you don't follow Macs and this all seems jibberish to you. Please skip this post and move directly to the Story of Asshat which has more mass appeal.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Finally! Photos of Xander

I finally got a real digital camera. So, here's a couple of photos of him. If Wesley ever appears I'll put him up, too.

Xander, the baby
Xander meets the footXander meets the foot That's my foot. I plan to reveal myself here slowly. Physically that is.

Friday, May 20, 2005

The Story of Asshat

First off, let me just say that I'm totally bored at work right now. The shred box isn't even making me happy. I just want to go home. But, I can't yet so I'm going to be productive and finally tell the story of Asshat.

Few months ago I had this conversation withmyself:

Self: I
Me: Yes
Self: You need to put me out there again.
Me: What do you mean?
Self: Dating, moron.
Me: Why with the insults?
Self: Sorry, I'm a little on edge. Must be the hormones.
Me: That's fine I understand.
(Aside: Self should be kinder to oneself)
Self: But, seriously, I should put a personal ad on and at least make an effort. Send it out to the universe that I'm hot to trot and ready for some action.
Me: Or at least free coffee.
Self: Or at least free coffee. Of course, I'd be open to be paying as well.
Me: Of cousre. I'm a modern woman. I'll pay. But, it's good to let a guy feel like a man.
Self: Oh totally. But, I digress.
Me: I do that a lot don't I?
Self: Yes, I do. So, put the ad onto Those people at work (that I'm not allowed to talk about on the internet) have been talking about how great it is. What's the worst that could happen?
Me: I could make contact with a serial killer stalker and end up dead.
Self: Exactly.
Me: I'm right. I should put an ad on the web. I, thank you.
Self: I'm welcome. I do have good ideas.
Me: Yes, I do.

And so I did put a personal ad on with a picture and everything. Couple of months later I was checking a message on and was IM'd by a guy, asshat. (I refuse to use the word man in this story, because asshat simply isn't one.) His asshattiness was not known or displayed at this point and we actually had a couple of really nice chats about movies. He had a good sense of humor and we seemed to be able to keep a conversation. I really looked forward to our IM chats over the next week since we were usually on the net at the same time.

Asshat worked in computer games and had just moved back to LA from Florida. He had grown up in the area. So, eventually we agreed to have a first date. I was nervous and excited because it had been quite awhile since I'd had a date of anykind. We chose to have sushi.

The first date went really well. Physically he was fine. Not great, not bad, fine. But, I really enjoyed our conversation. It was funny and interesting and we got to know each other. After sushi we had ice cream and then left for the night. He walked me to the car and I have to say he did something that at the time I thought was rather impressive.

As he walked me to my car he took my keys so he could unlock the door and open it for me. In the past I've gone on dates with guys where I was lucky if they remembered the should walk me to the car. And -- uh weired I just realized I can't remember if there was a kiss or not. Weird.

I think there was a kiss. Just a friendly one. Obviously not so memorable. There was definetly a hug though. I know that much. There was one thing that kind of bothered me though which was as I was driving home he called my cell. Asshat wanted to make sure, again, that I was okay to drive and didn't want to come to his place.

Being a moron (be kind to me. right, sorry, I) I pushed it out of my head.

Following week, I believe it was a Wednesday, I had just gotten on the freeway when Asshat called my cell. I was happy to hear from him and being a bit peckish agreed to meet him at his apartment and we'd go out for dinner. And again everything was going lovely. We had a nice Italian dinner. Nice conversation, continued to get to know each other. He was a handful as a child. And afterwards we drove back to his apartment where my car was.

Then something happened. I had to go to the bathroom. I didn't have to when we were at the restaurant. But, believe me when we got to his apartment, even though my instinct was to say goodnight at the car, there was no waiting around. I had to go inside the apartment and use the facilities. It was an emergency.

After I was done he was sitting on the couch petting his cat. Asshat has a cat and unfortunately due to the association with his father the poor cat will forever be asscat to me. It's nothing personal. But, you know what they say the sins of the father shall fall upon the son.

So, again instincts said leave, but I decided to sit down to talk maybe five minutes and then leave. And then Asshat began to let his true ass nature peak through. He made a move and kissed me. Which was fine. The kiss wasn't fine. It was actually kind of sloppy. But, the fact that he kissed me was fine.

But, then Asshat was trying to continue on. And being the modern woman I am I politely, but firmly pushed him back and the following conversation occured:

Me: I'm not having sex with you tonight.
Asshat: That's fine. We can still make out wildly.

He the proceeded to try do just that. Me being uncomfortable pulled back:

Asshat: You seem uncomfortable.
Me: Yeah. See, I've tended to move to quickly in the past and don't want to do that anymore.
Asshat: I understand.
Me: Good. I'm going to go now.
Asshat: Okay.

Asshat then leers at my breast and breathily says...

"I can't believe you're going to deny me your magnifiscent breast"

I can't claim that all the other dialogue is verbatim, but that last line is an exact quote etched in my memory forever.

"I can't believe you're going to deny me your magnifiscent breast"

Hands down the dumbest, most inappropriate-what-the-hell-were-you-thinking lines that any guy has ever said to me. Period.

Poor Asscat never stood a chance. It's a shame because he was a cute cat. Dumb Asshat.

I left immediately after that and I believe the look on my face told Asshat I was not impressed. I was angy and disappointed. And what had started off fairly promising ended in a crash and burn.

But, there's more to the story even. But, that's for another post.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Why is my southern accent coming out today and other important questions

So this morning I'm talking to my co-worker J. and he's originally from South Carolina. He usually keep his southern accent under wraps, which is good because otherwise my southern accent would start coming out something fierce. Except for this morning.

I don't know if it's the influence of Brit & K-fed getting to me but even my thoughts in my head have a southern accent to them. Uh weird.

Also, majorly craving starbucks coffee. This is odd because I much prefer Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf.

Anyway, so last night I had a coffee date, but I drank tea. As I get older caffeine and night go less and less together. I need to sleep, y'all. (see southern accent coming out) But, I digress.

Since the beginning of this year I have made an effort to put myself out there in the dating world. You may remember my confession of entering the online dating experience. One of the results of this is my expectations for first dates have ...

I wouldn't say lowered ...

I'd say become more reasonable. I have more reasonable expectations. I expect an awkward hour or two spent trying to keep up a conversation, maybe getting to know each other, possibly leading to a second date. It's all a big let's try this on and see. Like shopping for a pair of shoes. Because as a woman it always comes back to shoes. (Oh hi, Ms. Faludi, you'd like my feminist membership card back? Okay, let me just find that for you. Give me a sec. I must have left it in my other purse. Oh yes, calling me Miss v.carrie is fine)

My nightmare? Well there's so many variations on my nightmare scenario date I don't know if there's enough bandwith for it all.

My hopes well, that's a whole other story. Although I don't always say so, in my heart of hearts I always have high hopes. And hope should be high and unreasonable in my opinion. I need that to counteract the doubtful, insecure part of me that invisions growing old alone surrounded by dozens of cats and dogs. (Because even in my imagined spinsterhood, old age I still have a fabulous house that I provided for myself. Thanks I'll take feminist card back. It's Ms. v.carrie if you please) I hope to meet someone I really connect with and there's great chemistery eventually leading to sex, relationship, etc. (Was that too much information?)

So, what did I find last night? About what I expected. It wasn't awkward for an hour or two. It started with a hello, no handhake, awkward conversation as we waited to order coffee, followed by two hours of a nice intellectual conversation that jumped around from food to LA to politics to Miami. (He's from Miami) Dan is a nice guy. He's a biologist in his fifth year of graduate work at Caltech. I think the most personal thing I learned about him is he's lactose intolerant.

So, it was fine. Which is good because dates can go horribly, horribly wrong and bad. But, still, even though I could see developing a friendship with Dan, there's part of me that's a little disappointed and unsatisified. It's those unreasonable high hopes. Damn my optimistic nature.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I can handle your truth, I just don't want to

CrazyAuntPurl: Now for the important stuff.

Above is a comment I left on my new friend Laurie's blog It was regarding Britney and Kevin: Chaotic. And boy, was I wrong. Do not watch this show. It's not even entertaining in an Anna Nicole Smith train wreck sort of way. I have nothing personally againt Britney Spears; I don't know her personally. But, 30 seconds of that on my TV I had a seething hatred for her.

Britney does try to get a little deep asking people about what they think of love and marriage. I felt very enlightened after that discussion with her hair dresser. No really, I'm totally serious. And K-Fed's comments on love "love is love" Wow, a whole new world opened up for me. Truly. But, after that it's mostly about running around backstage asking her crew questions about sex, and taping it. I'm not a prude, you'll have to take my word on that. But, Ew. I don't know what their favorite sex positions are. And I don't want to know that Britney had sex three times before a concert and it was ecstasy. It's one thign to discuss with friends and co-workers (well employees really in her case) but broadcast on national televison? Tacky.

I, of course, hold UPN partially responsible for this debacle. But, what can you really expect from networks? Britney, ratings they were going to go for it. No I hold Mrs and Mr. Federline responsible. Who in their right mind hands over footage like that to a network to air? Especially someone who already is in the media spotlight?

I'll admit reality TV is a guilty pleasure of mine. Osbornes: first season loved it. Newlyweds: 1st Season yeah, watched some episodes. Anna Nicole Smith, okay that I only watched the premiere. I thought The Family was hysterical. Joe Shmo brilliant. Never been that into Survivor, odd. But, this has to be the worst show I've ever seen. Worst! Across all genres. Good Morning Miami was better than this.

This show won't even draw me in by how incredibly bad it is. That's how bad it is.


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

The shred box

Last night I was thinking about the phrase the devil's in the details. And that idea that it's not the big things that's a problem, it's the little things that always trip you up. Things you miss or don't consider. But, it's all the small things that are the most satisfying.

Like the shred box. I love the shred box at work. Not only are you throwing something away, you know that it'll be utterly destroyed and gone and in the past. There's nothing more satisfying than throwing something into the shred box.

Don't fight the three hole punch. It'll kick your ass.

It's very difficult for me to to discuss work in any great detail because I work in reality and they make you sign these 10 million dollars non-disclosure agreements. So, if I spill the beans I lose my dough. Forever. My grandchildren would be paying off the damages and their grandchildren's grandchildren would be paying off the damages. And then instead of being a much beloved legend in the family, I'm a curr a cursed curr. That's bad people.

But, every once in awhile a little thing happens that won't threaten to expose the inner workings of whatever production I'm working on. For example, I just got to watch a co-worker struggle with three hole punching a 100 page document. This is an intelligent person who has a choice: a) break up the document into smaller batches for easier hole punching or b) try to do it all at once. He chose B. His document got stuck and there this guy is fighting the hole puncher. Five minute later he finally wrestled his document free. I imagine the three hole punch was thinking to itself (if it thought that is) "that's right mofo. You don't mess with me. I'll eat your material and spit you out. They don't call me three punch for nothing."

So, tomorrow I have a coffee date with someone I met online. Yes, I'm online dating. Wow, that was really empowering to admit that I'm meeting people online to date. Here I'll say it again. I'm online dating. His name is Dan. If anyone has a suggestion for a nice coffee place in the valley (Studio City-ish area) where we can meet I'd appreciate it. I'd like to find something other than starbucks or coffee bean, and I need to email him tonight. Hopefully this will turn about better than "magnifiscent breast" guy or "asshat" for short. I'll have to tell that story on here sometime.

Wow, writing on this is so much better than actually working. I love the first couple of hours at work (of which you know nothing that I do. Unless, of course, you know me [hi laurie and gwen] and are in fact the only two people that read this. But, let's pretend that I have a huge anonymous following. Thanks. Oh these parenthetical tangents.) First couple of hours at work people are still getting into the office and I can slowly slip into my day.


PS: 12:53p Yeah, slipping into my day over. Now it's almost time for lunch.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

It's a man!

I'm happy to announce that there's a new man in my life. He's the cutest little thing, a real snuggle bug. And the kindest yellow eyes you've ever seen. Yep, it's happened. I've adopted another cat. I met him yesterday at Petco and it was love at first pet. I was a bit surprised because normally I'm drawn to the all black, grey and white cats. And this fella, who's name I have just decided is now Xander, is orange and white. But as many of you know, (or don't know because we've just met) I'm a bit of a procrastinator. Is this really the new cat to introduce to the house? Maybe Wesley would prefer a black kitten. (Wesley, my other little man. Yeah, that's right. I'm a two timing woman. You going to make something of it? Ew, this is going someplace very disturbing. I think of my cats as my pets/kids not as anything else. Let's just forget about all this in the parenthesis. Thanks. I knew you'd understand.)

So, this mother and daughter walked in and fell in love with the little guy. They even started filling out the paperwork. And although on the outside I seemed calm, inside it was big Noooo!!! He's my cat. I'm meant to be his new Mom. Back off biotch. They must have heard this on some subatomic level because suddenly they decided to leave and think about it some more. Well, that decided it. That cat was coming home with me.

So, now Xander is happily living under the couch. Although this afternoon when I came back from my faboo aftenoon yarn shop/lunch date with Laurie and Lainie (hoped I spelled that right) I coaxed him out from under the couch by petting him. That's all it takes with Xander a little scratching under the chin and he comes out. I had to leave again to go to the store and he's back under the couch.

Wesley and Xander met yesterday and Wesley seems a little unsure about all this. He has been the only man of the house since Dante passed away in February. But, I'm fully confident Wesley is going to love having a new playmate around. Unfortunatley I can't get Xander to sit still long enough to take a photo, but as soon as I can I'll post it.

So, yes, I'm one cat closer to being the crazy cat lady. You can't see this, but I have a big smile on my face right now.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Has it really been that long?

It's hard to believe, but it really has been over a year since I last made an entry into this blog. Well, that's not true. It's very easy to believe. I'm a Sagitarious and that's what we do. We start things, get a good head of steam going and jump to the next thing. So what's been the next thing? Work. Lots and lots of work.

For those of you who don't know I work on a reality show. Now, I'm an Associate Producer. Last I blogged I was a Post Coordinator. Whoa. Time flies. There's been things besides work; I stopped talking to the Alcoholic nut job I was friends with. I've started dating! It's been awful, but I still haven't given up. Maybe I'll share some of the stories here. I've stitched n' bitched. Gwenny found this great Stitch n' Bitch group in West Hollywood and they are a great group of people. And I read back over my past posts and although the grammar and spelling are atrocious, I decided not to delete all of it. I'm leaving it up. So, if anyone ever stumbles across this, they can have a look.

Still haven't quite figured out what all of this is going to turn into. Maybe it'll just be a place where I talk about me. Maybe I'll get better and more entertaining at it. I don't know. It's late and I'm tired. Let's see what I come up with tomorrow. Whatever happens this is staying up.
