Thursday, May 26, 2005

Things I've learned ... this far

You know how some weeks are one of those weeks. Yeah, I'm having one of those. I won't go into details because, you know that would be a downer. And I'm all about the uppers.
So, here's some things I've discovered this week.

A) The best conversations you can have, sometimes, are the ones you have with yourself. Especially when people are totally insane and well kind of suck.

Me: What is wrong with these morons?
Self: I have no idea.
Me: I hate people.
Self: Vent it, sister.

Isn't it great that your self will always understand?

B) String cheese does not make a good snack while driving. There is only one way to eat string cheese. Pulling it apart one stringy strand at a time. This makes the string cheese last longer as a snack and it's specifically what the cheese was designed to do and it's just fun.

But, doing it while driving? Probably safer to talk on the cell phone at the same time.

C) Wine is a wonderful thing.
Need I say more?

D) When swearing in the middle in the office be careful of volume level. Tired and frustrated do not make good excuses.

E) Try to have your gym or office near retail outlets. You never know when an important piece of undergarment will malfunction. Example: Working out at gym, done, getting dressed to go to work. Brassier snaps. Have to wait an hour for Victoria Secret to open while sitting in a sports bra.

F) Avoid having to tell the story to co-workers.

G) Probably shouldn't blog the story either.

Welll, things discovered aren't always lessons learned.



At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Carrie,
I really hope I didn't scare you away from SNB with the awful drunkenness of the other night. Please come back.

Your Friend,
Laurie "in the Betty Ford Clinic"

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Carrie V said...

Not only will I rejoin SNB, I'll probably see you at the clinic.


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