Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Don't fight the three hole punch. It'll kick your ass.

It's very difficult for me to to discuss work in any great detail because I work in reality and they make you sign these 10 million dollars non-disclosure agreements. So, if I spill the beans I lose my dough. Forever. My grandchildren would be paying off the damages and their grandchildren's grandchildren would be paying off the damages. And then instead of being a much beloved legend in the family, I'm a curr a cursed curr. That's bad people.

But, every once in awhile a little thing happens that won't threaten to expose the inner workings of whatever production I'm working on. For example, I just got to watch a co-worker struggle with three hole punching a 100 page document. This is an intelligent person who has a choice: a) break up the document into smaller batches for easier hole punching or b) try to do it all at once. He chose B. His document got stuck and there this guy is fighting the hole puncher. Five minute later he finally wrestled his document free. I imagine the three hole punch was thinking to itself (if it thought that is) "that's right mofo. You don't mess with me. I'll eat your material and spit you out. They don't call me three punch for nothing."

So, tomorrow I have a coffee date with someone I met online. Yes, I'm online dating. Wow, that was really empowering to admit that I'm meeting people online to date. Here I'll say it again. I'm online dating. His name is Dan. If anyone has a suggestion for a nice coffee place in the valley (Studio City-ish area) where we can meet I'd appreciate it. I'd like to find something other than starbucks or coffee bean, and I need to email him tonight. Hopefully this will turn about better than "magnifiscent breast" guy or "asshat" for short. I'll have to tell that story on here sometime.

Wow, writing on this is so much better than actually working. I love the first couple of hours at work (of which you know nothing that I do. Unless, of course, you know me [hi laurie and gwen] and are in fact the only two people that read this. But, let's pretend that I have a huge anonymous following. Thanks. Oh these parenthetical tangents.) First couple of hours at work people are still getting into the office and I can slowly slip into my day.


PS: 12:53p Yeah, slipping into my day over. Now it's almost time for lunch.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger NOLAPete said...

I stumbled across your blog while perusing the Next Blog link in an attempt to make the afternoon speed along and enjoyed reading it.

Thanks for the afternoon delight.


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