Friday, May 13, 2005

Has it really been that long?

It's hard to believe, but it really has been over a year since I last made an entry into this blog. Well, that's not true. It's very easy to believe. I'm a Sagitarious and that's what we do. We start things, get a good head of steam going and jump to the next thing. So what's been the next thing? Work. Lots and lots of work.

For those of you who don't know I work on a reality show. Now, I'm an Associate Producer. Last I blogged I was a Post Coordinator. Whoa. Time flies. There's been things besides work; I stopped talking to the Alcoholic nut job I was friends with. I've started dating! It's been awful, but I still haven't given up. Maybe I'll share some of the stories here. I've stitched n' bitched. Gwenny found this great Stitch n' Bitch group in West Hollywood and they are a great group of people. And I read back over my past posts and although the grammar and spelling are atrocious, I decided not to delete all of it. I'm leaving it up. So, if anyone ever stumbles across this, they can have a look.

Still haven't quite figured out what all of this is going to turn into. Maybe it'll just be a place where I talk about me. Maybe I'll get better and more entertaining at it. I don't know. It's late and I'm tired. Let's see what I come up with tomorrow. Whatever happens this is staying up.



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