Friday, May 16, 2003

A Month of Loss ... And I Feel Fine

Okay, so Wednesday was it, the Dawson creek series finale. It was the end of an era. Thank goodness I had Gwen with me crying away, so I didn't feel like such a dork. It was very embarrasing to admit to the Post Coord. that I had to leave at 7:00 to get home by 8:00 pm.

So, Gwen and I were standing outside bemoaning the end of DC, the end of Buffy coming up next week, my purse still gone. And I said with absolutely no irony whatsoever "It's been a month of loss" That cheered Gwen right up. She's probably still laughing at me.

Oddly enough, I feel really good lately. I got extended another week at work, which works out pefectly because I'll be done at work and the next day I leave for Massachusetts. (Oh, that's another loss: my sister is graduation from High School. I have to accept that she's a teenager careening right into adulthood. Uh)

There are times in life when you feel like the stars have aligned and things are just flowing for you, I'm having one of those moments today. Here's hoping it lasts for awhile.


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