Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My life since Tivo

(I seem to be in the alliteration and SAT words today. Please bare with me. So, you can figure out what words I used incorrectly and then make fun of me )

It started a year ago. Almost everyone in my life seemed to be apart of this strange cult. If this were a movie and not a blog you'd hear each of the following one at a time, becoming a cacophony of people talking, ending in a chant from the chorus of the converted.

Jenna: It's the best thing ever.
John: Oh, you don't know what you're missing.
James: No, really you'll watch less TV.
John: It'll change your life.
Jenna: How are you living without it?
James: Seriously, it'll change your life.
John: You don't know what you're missing.
Jenna: It'll change your life.
James: It'll change your life.
Jenna: You have to buy one.
John: Never miss a show again.
Everybody: It'll change your life. It'll change your life. It'll change your life.

Me: You all are in a freaking cult. (Only I'd use a more profane word)

Now, I'm all for the latest and greatest technology, and I love TV. But, this whole tivo revolution or tivolution was a little nutty. I mean people would get this glassy look in their eyes as the the mear thought of the wonder of Tivo would wash over them.

Person: I love coming home and seeing what tivo found for me.
Me: Found for you? It finds shows for you?
Person: Yeah, you train it to know what you like.
Me: So, it's not just a hard drive. It is a pet.

And yes, tivo is like a pet. I resisted for a long time. I mean really, I did not need to make TV any more important in my life. I need to learn that if I miss a show it's no big deal, because it's only a show and I really shouldn't plan my life around TV. I had the answer one of the important questions of my time. Not just my own life. Of an entire generation. Or generations! (And I don't throw those exclamations around willy nilly)

So, I didn't want to mess around with this new found independence from the "boob tube" (You know a guy came up with that term) But, then the new fall schedule came out. And there was Lost. And 24 was better than ever. (And I mean the best freaking season of 24 ever!) And I late nights at work, and I realized despite my best efforts. I may be able to plan TV around my life, but not my life without TV. I bought the Tivo. I joined the cult. I get the glassy look of ecstasy on my face. I pet it and hug it and feed it and call it George.

And the chorus of the converted they were right:

Tivo changed my life.

For example Monday was the season finale of 24 and it's best season ever! But, Gwen was free that night for dinner. In the past this would have created quite a dilemma.

Self: I need to maintain my friendships. They are more important than TV.
Me; Yeah, but 24. Best Season ever. What's going to happen? Is the nuclear missile going to destroy the world?
Self: Ask your roommate to tape it. And besides they're not going to destroy the world. Day 5.
Me: Yeah, but what if she forgets. Or the tape gets eaten. It's happened before. Or the tape gets lost. Then I'll never know how the world was saved!
Self: DVD
Me: Yeah, but then I lose an entire weekend re-watching the season.
Self: You could just watch the last episode.
Me: (raisies eyebrow)
Self: Right, I would lose an entire weekend. This is a delima.
Me: See.

Of course, I would've taped the season finale, hopefully watched it and seen my friend. Most likely... Kidding...Sort of. But, now, there's no problem. I had dinner with Gwen and tivo not only tivo'd 24. I didn't have to tell it do it. It always tivo's 24. I have it on season pass. I watched it last night because nothing else was on. I planned tivo around my life and not my life around TV.



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