Friday, June 17, 2005

Where have all my ideas gone?

Alright, have been writing as often. Partially because I'm busy with that place I cannot discuss. Partially because I keep forgetting what I want blog about.

Last night leaving SNB (stitch n' bitch) I something in mind to talk about, something to share. Now, completely gone. My memory is getting worst and worst. My brain a seive of ideas. Only not catching the good ones. So, a few random undeveloped random thoughts:

1) The two best times of day during the work week are first thing in the morning and last minute before leaving. First thing in the mornign the day is still full of wonderful potential and everything hasn't hit the proverbial fan yet. I love that moment.

And if you're like me in the morning, you don't really do that much work. No, you get a cup of coffee or tea. Scan through the email. Scan through the news. Do some blogstalking (thank you Laurie for the terminology) And just relax. Calm before the storm.

And of course last minute before you leave is obvious. You're leaving!

2) Wine is good. I originally typed that as wine is god. And that's true, too.

3) My cats are cute. But, I don't have time right now to post new pics. But, feel free to check earlier posting where I was much more creative and humorous.

4) Other drivers suck!

5) Hey, I just rememember something I was going to write about. Traffic. I know, not original but this is somewhat about LA. And LA and traffic go together like black and blue or hangover and headache or some other pain in the ass pairing.

However, driving yesterday and I was on the 10. It got me thinking about how one speaks about traffic in LA. And no I'm not talking about cursing. Rather, in los angeles if you were to ask me how far it is from studio studio to the beach my responce would be:

Me: Depending on traffic 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Notice how I responded, not with a measurement of distance, but a measurement of time. Believe it or not in other cities people actually respond with distances. But, in LA it's not about how far something is, it's all about how long it takes to get there.

People who live on the West Side get this horrified look when you suggest they might actually have to drive out to The Valley. Mind you The Valley is only 12 miles away. But, that 12 miles depending on traffic can take a long time to traverse.

So, that's my observation for today. It's not about how far away something is. It's about how much time it takes to get there. And is that time better spent elsewhere?

Me: I'm so wise.
Self: *rolls eyes*



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