Thursday, June 02, 2005

Talking to myself

Me: I want to blog.
Self: Okay. But, what do I want to blog about?
Me: I don't know. I had this one really interesting thought yesterday.
Self: It wasn't that interesting.
Me: I guess not. I did forget what it was about.
Self: Talk about dieting.
Me: No, it's too depressing right now. I've hit a plateau and am losing motivation and just no.
Self: Talk about the cats.
Me: They are really cute. But, I don't have any new photos of them, and the cats require pictures. Their cuteness must be shown at all times.
Self: I know. Ikea.
Me: I did that yesterday.
Self: But, you're still thinking about the computer desk and how to rearrange your room so it's more adult like.
Me: I know. But, I'm also thinking it might be easier to just move and start over from scratch.
Self: But, I don't really want to move.
Me: I know. I want a vacation.
Self: I can't talk about that because it involves talking about work.
Me: This is a boring entry.
Self: No it's not. oh, I know. The shred box. Throw something in the shred box. It'll make me feel better.
Me: Oh that did feel good.
Self: I'm going to throw something in the shred box, too.
Me: Isn't that great?
Self: Love the shred box.


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