Oye Gevalt
I'm not jewish but I've always found yiddish to be a very expressive language and oye gevalt pretty much sums up how I feel at the moment. I'm too exhausted to go into the all the details. But, the last four days have been pretty exhausting.
1) I was so wiped out in the middle of the week I took a three day weekend off and even skipped SNB.
2) Friday I had a very nice sushi lunch and proceeded to drop a butt load of money on a tv, vaccuum and tv storage unit from ikea
3) I fought the Swedes and the Swedes won. In fact, the Swedes via Ikea wooped my ass at least three times and may not be finished yet.
4) Saturday was go, go, go as the Swedes got a few more licks in, my apartment manger - sweet as she is - was very inconsiderate, and I had to spend more money at Targhetto and Big Lots
5) I learned that just because your roommate is moving out and your staying put does not mean the whole situation will be stress free.
6) Wine is good.
7) You can fall in love with a vacuum, if it's a Dyson
8) Having your own trash can is strangely cool
Let me know what you might want me to talk more about. I'm too tired to think.
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