Video games mame and kill
S. Korean man dies after 50 hours of computer games - Yahoo! News
I couldn't believe when I read this headline. I mean I knew video games could hurt you. I was myself the victim of a physical injury at the hand, er feet really, of a video game. But, death? I had no idea.
My own run in with the dark side of the video world happened at christmas. My sister got her dream gift of a sony playstation and dance, dance revolution (DDR). DDR was the only reason she wanted the playstation and soon I knew why.
Let me tell you that is a fun ass game. Not just fun, but fun ass. For those of you who don't know it's that game with the pad that plays song and you follow the steps on screen. It's like a very active, and as I found out, very dangerous game of simon says. with music. and dancing. and did I mention danger?
So, my sister was out with her then boyfriend and I was home with the parents, DDR, and some wine. I was showing the rents the finer points of DDR. We were doing low level steps. I however was feeling ambitious and wanted to up the challenge. So I kept choosing higher level of difficulties that involved some jumping around.
And have I ever mentioned I'm klutzy? Oh yeah me and klutz go hand in hand. My friend Jenna that if I were a Desperate Housewife I'd be Susan, because I am the one who would lock herself out of the house naked and fall into a bush.
So, I'm sure you can see where all of this is going. I get up to take another turn at DDR thinking I'm so superior to my parents who are having trouble with step left, step right. Stay with the beat.
I get going and
I'm doing steps.
I'm doing little twist step.
I'm doing jump.
Yep. I fell. But, I didn't just fall. I twisted my ankle and fell. My mom who has a long history of taking me to the doctor with sprained ankles immediately tells me to stop playing DDR. I having many times twisted, but not sprained my ankle, say no I'm fine. I just need to walk it off.
Which I do. I walked it off. Drank some wine. And that should've been the end DDR and me for the night. I should've listened to mother. But did I?
What do you think?
Nope, I go for another round and again.
And this time I didn't just twist my ankle. I sprained it but good. Thus ending my short, but fun DDR experience from Christmas. And man did I sprain my ankle something fierce. I was limping around for a couple, almost a few, weeks. And it was a good two months wearing a ankle brace to the gym.
But, I healed. My ankle is basically back to full force now. And I'm kind of itching for my very own DDR. Although next time I play probably less wine.
But, I'm one of the lucky ones. I was only mamed. After reading the article I realized I could've been killed by DDR. Sharp objects could've been lying around waiting to pierce vital organs and I would've died. I narrowly escaped the jaws of death, people. Because as the unfortunate man in Korea found video games can kill.
He probably didn't listen to his mother either.
PS: I don't mean to make light of a man dying or the grief his family must be going through. I just have a morbid sense of humor and sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of life so you don't spend it crying. So, I'll go ahead and make light of it.