Friday, May 23, 2003

You Call It Babbling, I Call It ... Uh, I Guess It's Babbling

Okay, it's Friday and last day on the job. Oh, I'll miss you [snipped so as not to reveal what show I worked on at the time. NDA's are a bitch]. Last few weeks (by which I mean last couple of months) I haven't had a whole lot to do. I kind of hung around waiting to finish paperwork, did some transcribing, and now I feel like an Amazon, as in woman and not online book retailer. See, it's moving day here at the office and I've been lifting boxes, heavy boxes, boxes filled with tape. So glad I started lifting weights and learned to lift with the legs, not with the backs. I can actually feel the strenght pulsing through my arms. No, really it's not mild achiness, it's strength. The strenght of 10 women, or five men, or maybe a 20 howler monkeys. I'm sure I can lift more weight than a howler monkey. I mean what do they do all day except howl. Did you ever notieced that howler monkey is always funny. Always. It's like saying something three times, it's funny. So, what would happen if you said howler monkey three times. You'd probably die from laughter like in who framed Roger Rabbit. Let's see.

Howler Monkey. Howler Monkey. Howler Monkey.

Raise your hand if your dead.

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

The Month of Loss ... Continues... And I still Feel Pretty Good

Okay, so yesterday was another end to an era, the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I love this show. For six and half years I've followed the story who saved the world, kicked vampire butt, and got to sleep with two hot vampires with souls. Well, Spike didn't have a soul at the time, but it was coming.

So, thanks for the memory Joss Whedon and gang. It's been fun and has filled up my Tuesday nights with an intense cult like devotion I had not felt very often.

On the bright side, Tuesday TV viewing is going to loosen up, a lot. Tuesdays were a major hassle in my house because there was Buffy, Gilmore Girls, 24, and Smallville all overlapping. Major taping has gone on. Now, Smallville is very I catch when I can for me. (ie oh, where's the scene with Lex?) But, the rest are must see. Buffy is off the air. (whimper.) Smallville is being moved to Wed. That means Gilmore Girls and 24 are free and clear. But, I have to ask myself, should I be planning my life around TV, or plan TV around my life. Or the more profound question, is there life without TV? I shudder to think.

Friday, May 16, 2003

A Month of Loss ... And I Feel Fine

Okay, so Wednesday was it, the Dawson creek series finale. It was the end of an era. Thank goodness I had Gwen with me crying away, so I didn't feel like such a dork. It was very embarrasing to admit to the Post Coord. that I had to leave at 7:00 to get home by 8:00 pm.

So, Gwen and I were standing outside bemoaning the end of DC, the end of Buffy coming up next week, my purse still gone. And I said with absolutely no irony whatsoever "It's been a month of loss" That cheered Gwen right up. She's probably still laughing at me.

Oddly enough, I feel really good lately. I got extended another week at work, which works out pefectly because I'll be done at work and the next day I leave for Massachusetts. (Oh, that's another loss: my sister is graduation from High School. I have to accept that she's a teenager careening right into adulthood. Uh)

There are times in life when you feel like the stars have aligned and things are just flowing for you, I'm having one of those moments today. Here's hoping it lasts for awhile.

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

(This used to be a link to a webpage that told you what star crossed X-Men you were. I was wolverine. I'm so dark and brooding)

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

Oy. Well, tonight PACEY & JOEY 4 EVER!!!!!!!!! Damnit....Janet, I love you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003


Okay, it's the morning. I'm at work. I'm not actually working. I'm kicking myself because I forgot to email my resume to myself at work so I could update it and give it to Jen. It's that stupid show I'm freelancing for. I told them I could handle an hour of transcription last night. They gave me three tapes. One was an hour long!!! The other two are looking pretty hefty as well.

So, I was so tired and annoyed at transcribing an hour long tape, I totally forgot to email my resume to myself. Now, I realize that one hour long tape is the same as two 30 min tapes, which is standard in the transcribing biz. But, when you see the counter going past 30 minutes with no end in sight, that hour tape feels a hell of a lot longer, and I still have two tapes for tonight. Ahhhh!!!

I knew when they called I should have said no.

Oh, so the title. I'm searching the web so much at work now that I can't just have one browser window going. It's two minimum and usually four. It's a good think I get a break at work, because I've got plenty to do tonight. Which includes the last of two Buffy episodes.

We will all now take a moment of silence.

Monday, May 12, 2003


Okay, so for a weeks now I've been kind of unhappy at work because there wasn't a lot to do. I get bored easily. But, I've moved desks and I'm enjoying the company. So, now I'm kind of liking this money for nothing and chicks for free biz. Of course, I'm not interested in "chicks" But, I couldn't think of a clever replacement for men which I am now surrounded by. Well, there more boyish really. But, as Gwen and I discussed in LA, you use the term "man" and "men" loosely.

Okay, need to stop riding that tangent. So, I now might have two prospects for a job next month. This is very exciting. Show A I'd be a Post Coordinator which would be a nice little jump up, but crappy hours. Show B would be logging footage live, 9-10 hour days (so not as crappy hours), but actually a bit of a slide from lead logger. Show B would be a chance to move into Story possibly further on. Still it's all up in the air right now.

But, either way my new job would actually require working. I haven't actually worked in a good couple months. I've had things to work on, but I wouldn't say I've had any major tasks. I mean I spent the entire morning today on the net. My biggest task printer paperwork. So, I'm going to actually have to earn my money.

I'm a little concerned. I mean I have a great work ethic (I do. Shut up) But, I'm afraid it may hav atrophied from lack of exercise. Oh well, like I always say, broken cup.


So, I've moved desks at work. I'm now back with all the post people and we've got tunes playing, specifically James. It's amazing the difference music makes to your day. It can immediately make you feel better, or worst if that's what your after. Music is definetly proof that there is a higher power in the world, in my not so humble opinion.

Take Saturday. Gwen and I were out and we drove around the block just to sing to the radio. It's the single best thing to do when driving, play music and singing loudly. It's a feeling of freedom.

I don't know about you, but I always feel a certain amount of privacy in my car. Now it's ridiculous. Many, many people can see into my window. But, still in my car I have this feeling that it's just me and the rest of the world just disappears.

Okay, in the room right now they're talking about the Lakers. I so don't want them to win the NBA Championship. Enough all ready. Three is plenty.

Oh, sweet James is still plenty. Life is good.

Friday, May 09, 2003


Los Angeles is actually a huge city, but for those of us who work in Reality TV it's an extrememly small subdivision of a very small town named Entertainment, Population: 2000 Successfull, Enumerable Wannabees. You decide where I fall.

Anyhoo, saw a guy today I once had a crush on. That's always fun, in a way picking a scab is fun. You know you shouldn't, and it hurts, but you just can't help youself. I'm happy to say I'm over the crush. I completely ignored him. I don't think I even registered on his radar, although I helped walked his dog and cooked dinnner for him. (It wasn't just him at dinner, but the dinner was designed to see if there was chemistry between us)

Point is I'm just filling up time until I leave work in about four minutes. Things on the show are wrapping up. I'm still one of the last standing as I get to help transcribe shows. Good Times! Oh, but that means I've got to say good bye to people. That's fun, in the same way getting your head slammed by a door is fun. That is to say it's not fun.

Oringially Posted on: Sanity Doesn't Live Here Anymore

Okay, I'm going to admit it. I love Dawson Creek, or at least I did until they broke up Joey and Pacey at the end of Season 4. I've watched the show since it's beginning, blocking out Season 5 and most of 6, but now that it's coming to a close and I feel compelled to watch it to the bitter end. But, that's only because I hold out hope that Joey and Pacey will end up sailing off into the sunset together ala ending of Season three, or as I call it, the last good season worth watching.

Now, I'm sure some people will think I'm overly involved in the life of television charaters. That may be true, I might be crazy. ( But, crazy just might be what you're looking for.) Still when the idea of meeting and falling and love and making it work almost seems like an out dated concept these cynical days, it's nice to know somewhere there are people, writers, with a sentimental heart and some hope. So, when Pacey and Joey got stranded in a K-mart like a John Hughes movie (which this episode was based on. 10 points to whoever can name it) I was very excited. They kissed. They overly talked about getting back together. Joey was ambivalent. But it looked like things were shaping up with a Joey/Pacey love fest. So, imagine my horror then when Joey left Pacey for her old love Eddie two episodes later. All I can say is what!!! This is not how it's supposed to end. Joey and Pacey forever, not Joey and Eddie forever. Luckily in the above referenced episode Eddie went away for good. I hope.

So, maybe I'll get my Dawson Creek dream ending after all. However, watching at the preview it looks like they're resurrecting the Joey, Pacey, Dawson triangle and someone will die by the end. I hope it's Dawson. I know he's the title character and all, but really he went from barely tolerable to overbearingly annoying way back in season one. Joey and Pacey were always the reason to watch and in that spirit here's hoping that the writers wizen up and put these two love birds together by the end. Because really, does anyone want to see Joey and Dawson together? I think not.


So, I've finally figured out what to do with this weblog, besides using it as a way of filling up time at work. I just don't have a lot to do right now, and I'm enjoying it as much as possible. But, it's been a hard week.

As anyone knows me has heard,: my purse was stolen. It's been a nightmare. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if it was just my purse that was lost. It was everything in my purse. My wallet with all my credit cards, my cell phone and PDA with very important phone numbers that I can never memorize, my paycheck with my social security number on it, passport (please don't ask why it was in my purse), and driver's license, oh and checkbook -- it's all gone.

Now in some ways this is all just an inconvience. Sure, I had to spend an entire Friday getting bank accounts changed, reporting stolen credit cards, getting a driver's license mailed to me, putting an insurance claim in on my phone, putting fraud alert on my credit reports. It wasn't fun, but it at least the theft was non-violent. No one held me at gun point and my physical well being was never in danger. I can't say the same for my mental and emotional well being however. Fact is I'm not an overly materialistic person, but I couldn't help but feel that everything that was important was in that purse.

It's a horrible thing to admit. I mean there are more important thing than a cell phone or a credit card. But, when it comes to living day to day in our modern society, not having plastic and id, it's as if you don't exist on some level. Without the digits how are you defined at the bank, grocery store, etc. Try getting cash without some kind of id. I couldn't go out to lunch with co-workers because I had to make sure I had enough cash for gas. I couldn't pay the deductible on my cell phone insurance right away because I had no way of paying it without forking over an extra 10 bucks. Now, most people might think a cell phone is merely a convience. Well, in my business it's a downright nessecity. There are people out there who might want to offer me work and only have my cell phone. My social security number has been compromised. I could end up spending years trying to keep my credit report in order because some asshole keeps trying to open credit using my information. I have to figure out how I'm going to get on an airplane without a state issued id of some sort, because I'll be damned if I'm missing my sister's graduation. I could really give a shit about hte PDA except for all the phones numbers and addresses on them, the notes I made while sitting in movie theater, the calander that reminded me of things I needed to do. Luckily that was backed up on my computer.

That's what I keep coming back to, luckily. Luckily it's all replaceble. The information has been compromised, the theoretical phone calls have been theoretically missed, my life is becoming more and more dependent on numbers and magnetic strips and that's disturbing, but luckily they (the big, evil they) didn't steal my car. I had my wits about me enough to cancel everything. Luckily, luckily, luckily I had friends and family around who offered me a shower and a shoulder to cry on. The sun rose in the east, set in the west, and yesterday my debit card came in the mail. All is right with the world again.

Thursday, May 08, 2003

Janet Tokerud's Radio Weblog

Okay, this reminded me of another reason why I love Los Angeles and another great passion of mine, Mac computers. LA had the second Apple Store (aka my happy place) to open in the country. It wasn't the first because of time zones.

Still, when I heard an actual Apple store owned and operated by my beloved computer company was coming to town I had to go. I convinced my friend Javier to come with me.

When we arrived we figured there would be plenty of Mac fans milling about, but the 45 minute line to get into the store was a complete shock. I might as well have been going to the opening of the Harry Potter movie. Did I wait for 45 minutes in line. You betcha! Got a t-shirt and pro mouse out of the deal to. I can honestly say that was a good day.

Thing is if I lived anywhere else I would've waited months for an Apple Store to open in my area, if one ever opened at all. They're still waiting up in the Pacific Northwest. But, LA got my Mac fix right off the bat. And now I have four Apple Stores within a half hour of me to choose from. For me that's a small part of heaven right here on earth.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

my tiny life What's more -- all the people I know in San Francisco (and most San Franciscans, actually) hold a disdainful attitude toward LA. They'll tell you that LA is full of traffic and smog and vapid people, but they don't even stop to realize that their city (and its Southern appendage Silicon Valley) has 100 times worse traffic, the streets are dirtier, and their population is almost entirely twentysomething technology people whose cocktail party chat makes actors and film industry people look smart, interesting, and even deep. --Ha